Interview: Jason of Young Turks

Here’s our interview with Young Turks, a Hardcore band from Portland, OR.
Check them out on Facebook!
IP: We saw you posted something about a Ryan Gosling rumor – what was it about?

Jason: Matt and I thought it would be funny, especially with regards to him at American Nightmare shows, etc. I didn’t think it would take off, but I heard some drunk girls talking about it a few hours later. 

IP: If you could play a different genre of music, what would you play?
J: As a band, I feel like we could make a pretty banging pop-punk band. But I have more of a background in metal/grind, so I would probably revert back to that. Although Gareth and I keep threatening to start our Small Brown Bike worship band. 
IP: What song off of ‘Where I Lie’ do you have the strongest sentimental attachment to and why?
J: Definitely “Let Me Sink”. I write pretty regularly and had a big chunk written out (that was actually published in an indie book called “Some Men Just Stay Angry”) that I showed to Matt. He had a skeleton to the song and it sort of filled in the blanks. So while the overall sentiment of the song is very much so Matt’s personal life, it shows a stark parallel to my own experiences. The very few times we have played it live, it goes over really well. I think its because almost everyone can relate. You have someone you love and trust, and they break that trust. It’s painful, but absolutely universal. 

IP: What is the most awkward thing that has ever happened to you?
J: As a band, we are the most awkward dudes ever. It’s like watching an episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, so our humor is often times lost in conversations. So a poorly placed inside joke can weird people out pretty quick. I writing this from the van, and after talking about it, we agreed on one simple fact. Mason (drums and happily in a relationship), is a magnet for awkward interactions, especially with women. Unprovoked and uninvited, Mason has been the target of being followed over 100 miles by a restaurant hostess, instagram stalked, and being pantsed tearing down gear post set. Wherever sketchy is, its hunting Mason down. 
IP: What are your top three favorite albums of all time?
J: I could write and rewrite this answer forever. I have to do at least five. 
1.) Hot Water Music – “Caution”
2.) Modern Life Is War – “Witness”
3.) Hope Con – “Death Knows Your Name”
4.) The Smiths – “Strangeways, Here We Come”
5.) Give Up The Ghost – “We’re Down Til We’re Underground”
IP: How was your band name decided?
I wanted to call the band Youngblood. Bryan said why don’t we call it Young Turks (making fun of it), and when it came out of his mouth it sounded decent. We laughed about it, and just sort of went with it. Plus, everybody likes a little Rod. 
IP: If you could change your band name, what would you change it to?
J: Jammed Up.
IP: How has the Portland, OR scene helped you or held you back?
J: The Portland scene being small has been a blessing. We have had some great shows in the past six months, and I will attribute the kinship of being in a small scene to being the foundation of our strength as a live band. You come to one of our shows, and its a room of friends. I wouldn’t trade the Portland scene for anything. 

IP: What was the first concert you ever went to?
J: MxPx, Ghoti Hook, and the Hippos. 

IP: Boxers or briefs?
J: Boxer-briefs are our jam. Although Matt and I will rock some creepy briefs sometimes.

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